An Extension of VIKOR Approach for MCDM Using Bipolar Fuzzy Preference δ-Covering Based Bipolar Fuzzy Rough Set Model




Rough set, Bipolar fuzzy preference relation, BFPδC-BFRSs, Decision-making


Bipolarity highlights the positive and negative facets of a certain dilemma. This script aims to propose a novel multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach based on bipolar fuzzy preference δ-covering based bipolar fuzzy rough set (BFPδC-BFRS) model by combining the VIKOR (VIseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Rasenje) scheme. The VIKOR scheme is viewed as a beneficial MCDM strategy, particularly in situations where an expert is incapable of making the right decision at the beginning of system design. The VIKOR method works well for problems with competing attributes because it operates under the presumptions that compromise is acceptable in conflict resolution, the expert seeks a solution that is extremely close to the best, and all developed attributes are taken into consideration when processing the various alternatives. In this study, firstly, we proposed an integrated MCDM based on BFPδC-BFRSs using the VIKOR methodology. Moreover, we solve a real-world illustration to show the effectiveness of the expanded VIKOR approach. Finally, we demonstrate a detailed comparative analysis of the proposed methodology with some prevalent decision-making approaches to substantiate the accountability of the recommended scheme.


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How to Cite

Gul, R. (2025). An Extension of VIKOR Approach for MCDM Using Bipolar Fuzzy Preference δ-Covering Based Bipolar Fuzzy Rough Set Model. Spectrum of Operational Research, 2(1), 72-91.