Students’ Perceptions About the Webinars: An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Force Field Analysis




COVID-19, Webinars, Intuitionistic fuzzy sets, Forced field analysis, Full consistency method, FUCOM


Aftermath of the recent pandemic, online learning has emerged as an essential aid that uses webinars frequently. However, there is a little or no evidence of work which discerned the usefulness of the webinars by considering both positive and negative forces. To this end, the present work exhibits a new Intuitionistic Fuzzy Number (IFN) based force field analysis (FFA) to compare the influences of both driving factors (DFs) and restraining factors (RFs). A group of 91 students participated in the study. The current work presents wherein the full consistency method (FUCOM) has been utilized to find the weights of the DFs and RFs. Overall, the current work shows that the aggregated score of DF is more than that of the opposing forces (i.e., RF). Therefore, it is evident that webinars are the accepted situation post-pandemic. The current study shall provide useful direction for designing hybrid learning. 


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How to Cite

Biswas, S., Sanyal, A., & Pamucar, D. (2025). Students’ Perceptions About the Webinars: An Intuitionistic Fuzzy Force Field Analysis. Spectrum of Operational Research, 2(1), 113-133.