Fairly Aggregation Operators Based on Complex p, q-Rung Orthopair Fuzzy Sets and Their Application in Decision-Making Problems
Decision-making, Complex p, q-Rung orthopair fuzzy sets, Fairly aggregation operators, Fuzzy setsAbstract
The decision-making technique is used to evaluate the best optimal among the collection of finite alternatives. Further, the technique of complex p, q-rung orthopair fuzzy (CPQROF) set is very reliable and dominant due to parameters “p” and “q”. In contrast, the technique of simple q-rung orthopair fuzzy sets is the special case of the CPQROF set. The major theme of this article is to expose the novel theory of fairly operational laws based on CPQROF numbers (CPQROFNs). Further, we evaluate the weighted fairly aggregation operators based on CPQROF information, called CPQROF weighted fairly averaging (CPQROFWFA) operator and CPQROF ordered weighted fairly averaging (CPQROFOWFA) operator. Some properties are also discussed for the above operators. Additionally, we validate the system of multi-attribute decision-making (MADM) difficulties based on initiated operators. Finally, we associate our suggested ranking consequences with approximately prevailing techniques to demonstrate the proposed theory's sovereignty and validity.
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