Evaluation of Factors Influencing University Graduates’ Unemployment in Developing Country: A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Perspective
Unemployment, Labour market challenges, University graduates, Interval-valued spherical fuzzy, SWARAAbstract
Unemployment remains a significant challenge in Tanzania and many other sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries, particularly among university graduates in these developing countries. Through a combination of expert opinions and a thorough literature review, our study identifies six key factors contributing to graduate unemployment in Tanzania. Using the Stepwise Weight Assessment Ratio Analysis (SWARA) method within an interval-valued spherical fuzzy (IVSF) framework, we pinpoint the most critical factors. The study’s findings reveal that job-skills mismatch, inadequate career guidance and counseling services, and an ineffective labor market information system are the primary drivers of high graduate unemployment rates in Tanzania. Based on these insights, the research offers actionable recommendations for governments seeking to reduce unemployment among university graduates effectively.
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