Advanced Fuzzy-Based Decision-Making: The Linear Diophantine Fuzzy CODAS Method for Logistic Specialist Selection
Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Set, CODAS, Logistics, Logistic SpecialistAbstract
This study addresses the inherent uncertainty in human decision-making by leveraging fuzzy sets, which were introduced to better capture the imprecision associated with human thoughts and judgments. As an extension to traditional fuzzy sets, the Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Set (LDFS) was developed, offering a more flexible approach by relaxing existing limitations on grade values. The LDFS has found applications across various fields, demonstrating its versatility and effectiveness. In this study, we explore the application of the Linear Diophantine Fuzzy Set within the framework of the Combinative Distance-based Assessment (CODAS) method. The CODAS method stands out because it incorporates Euclidean and Taxicab distances. Decision-making should consider not only the direct distances between ideal solutions and alternatives but also the indirect distances. The foremost objective of this research is to propose a novel approach by integrating the CODAS method with the LDFS to address complex decision-making problems characterized by uncertainty and imprecision. To illustrate the practical utility of the proposed method, we apply it to a numerical example involving the selection of a logistics specialist, a critical decision in emergency logistics optimization. The research also includes a case study on a logistics specialist, highlighting the practical application of the methods discussed. Furthermore, this study provides a comprehensive sensitivity analysis of the parameters' weights to evaluate the robustness and reliability of the proposed method. The results highlight the effectiveness of the LDF CODAS method in making informed and reliable decisions under conditions of uncertainty, paving the way for future applications in other decision-making scenarios.
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