Sustainability Service Chain Capabilities in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Fuzzy Hybrid Approach SWARA-MABAC




Service supply chain, Capabilities, Oil and gas industry, Fuzzy SWARA, Fuzzy MABAC


This study aims to redefine the capabilities of the service supply chain in the Iranian oil and gas industry, where the concept of service chains has remained underdeveloped due to a traditional focus on conventional service chains. It seeks to compare the capabilities of the oil and gas service supply chain to those in other sectors and explore whether applied research is necessary to improve service chain performance. The study was conducted in three stages, involving ten petroleum and natural gas experts. The first stage focused on identifying key capabilities, yielding seven significant capabilities and 28 critical sub-capabilities. In the second stage, the SWARA fuzzy hybrid approach was employed to weigh and prioritize these capabilities, while the fuzzy MABAC methodology was used for strategic decision-making. Finally, the model’s sensitivity was assessed using fuzzy methods to validate the findings. The results highlight the highest priority capability for service providers: the ability to utilize information for updating information processing capacity in making decisions within the service supply chain. The selected location, G1, emerged as a key area of focus. This approach presents a novel method for optimizing service supply chain locations within the oil and gas sector. This paper introduces a unique approach to selecting optimal service supply chain locations in the oil and gas industry, addressing critical gaps in previous research. Employing advanced fuzzy hybrid methodologies provides valuable insights into improving service chain capabilities, offering a competitive advantage for companies operating in this sector.


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How to Cite

Mehdiabadi, A., Sadeghi, A. ., Karbassi Yazdi, A., & Tan, Y. (2025). Sustainability Service Chain Capabilities in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Fuzzy Hybrid Approach SWARA-MABAC. Spectrum of Operational Research, 2(1), 92-112.